Each 1/1 Block comes with a 1/1 NFT and a painting. The digital and physical properties of the work are to be read as one and give the work a high level of readability across the physical and digital landscape that the work conceptually occupies.

The first layer of the NFT displays the opening and closing digits of code in each segment of BTC v0.1.0. Drawing on the aesthetics of cuneiform tablets and the history of the written record, the digital digits are carved out of Houdini and based on top a fine blue mesh.
The second layer corresponds to the location of each Block in the series, drawing connections between these particular locations and the pre-history of crypto, while formally alluding to the ideal of network structures, particularly decentralized ones, within the cartography of the world.The third and final layer is an allusion to the shape and form of the Blocks themselves, encased within the structure of the portolan chart. Itself, a decentralized network structure, the portolan chart carries many narrative similarities to blockchain networks. Emerging in the 14th century, the portolan chart came from mysterious origins. No one knows who invented it, and it moved forward the ability to navigate globally by over two centuries.For the original Block 21 NFT, please visit Async Art. This was the first NFT ever exhibited and sold at a major auction house.

To view all the 1/1s, please visit Opensea.
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